We believe in a world of evidence-driven innovation where truth matters, technology enables trust, and people create value that is accessible to all. Normative is changing how the world thinks about innovation by bridging divides that limit human potential.
Our Principles
01. Bridging Divides
Address the critical gaps between people and technology
Changing how people think of technology is not a specific deliverable of our client projects, but rather an end result of successfully leading clients through the innovation process

02. Designing For Trust
Create products with clear, honorable social contracts
The value of trusted relationships is integrated and reflected in everything we do. Exemplary brands understand this value and ensure their own social contracts are never broken

03. Zero Waste
Respect that time, energy and capital are scarce resources
The start-up world is focused on fast, efficient value creation. Words like ‘lean’, ‘agile’, and ‘viable’ express the speed and focus with which start-up culture delivers value

04. Create Great Customers
We empower our customers so they can empower theirs
A great customer is someone who values what you provide. Understanding and enabling the exchange of value between people and companies is what sets leaders apart